Allied Community Groups
Partners in Environmental Protection
As we work towards preserving the beauty and ecological integrity of Eungella, we stand in solidarity with other community groups across Australia, each confronting similar challenges in their own regions. These groups, like us, are committed to ensuring that renewable energy projects don't compromise our unique ecosystems and communities. Here, you can learn about these groups, their campaigns, and how they're making a difference.
Banana Range Wind Farm - Impacted Residents
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For more information, visit their Facebook page here:
Rainforests Reserves Australia
Rainforest Reserves Australia is a volunteer-driven charity located at the Tablelands Cassowary Rehabilitation Facility in Far North Queensland. Dedicated to conserving the rainforest and its unique wildlife, including Northern Koalas, Sharman's Rock Wallabies, and Greater Gliders, the organization collaborates with local communities and environmental groups to arrange tree-planting events. They also assess companies' environmental impact and partner with renowned conservation organisations. Recently, Rainforest Reserves Australia made headlines for their collaboration with Apple Inc., procuring renewable electricity from the proposed Twiggy wind farm.
For more information, visit their website here:
For more information, visit their Facebook page here:
Stop Chalumbin Wind Farm
Stop Chalumbin Wind Farm is a community group that aims to prevent the development of the Chalumbin Wind Farm. The campaign maintains a nonpartisan stance and solely focuses on stopping the project, without aligning itself with any political affiliations. The developer, Ark Energy, has consistently demonstrated their lack of suitability for obtaining development approval. Public submissions play a critical role in halting the Chalumbin development, and the website provides convenient access to relevant documents, petitions, and survey forms.
For more information, visit their website here:
For more information, visit their Facebook page here:
Kalapa & Wycarbah Local Action Group
The Kalapa & Wycarbah Local Action Committee was established in response to the Moah Creek Wind project, aiming to raise awareness regarding the significant environmental devastation that could result from this renewable energy (RE) initiative and similar projects in the local CQ region. The committee actively disseminates information and advocates for expedited planning frameworks to identify more suitable RE sites, enhanced environmental legislation for RE developments, reinforced protection for remaining vegetation and habitats of endangered species, as well as mandatory guidelines for community consultation in relation to RE developers. The committee firmly upholds the belief that renewable energy should contribute to environmental improvement rather than its destruction.
For more information, visit their Facebook page here:
Save Our Scenery Bendemeer Action Group
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For more information, visit their Facebook page here:
Other public Facebook groups opposed to reckless renewable projects
Australian Communities Against Industrial Renewables:
Say NO to the lines:
QLD! Tell ‘em they’re dreaming:
Kilkivan Action Group: